
Jaycees is a "Worldwide Federation of Young Leaders & Entrepreneurs" which has worldwide membership between age of 18 to 40, JCI Kathmandu Nepal (Kathmandu Jaycees) is a pioneer Jaycees chapter in Nepal, affiliated to JCI Kathmandu-Nepal (Nepal Jaycees) and Junior Chamber International, Inc. JCI Kathmandu-Nepal holds proud history of 39 years. It was established in 1970. JCI Kathmandu-Nepal is a leading chapter in Nepal where the young people of the community join in a friendly environment to train themselves to develop leadership qualities, by means of active participation in Jaycees activities and in the mean time to develop the community and own self. The active participation in Jaycees activities has provided opportunities to many youth individual to develop and bring forth their inner ability.
JCI Kathmandu-Nepal has brought many fruitful programs for community and individual members. Adoption of forest in Nagdhunga; Adoption of School in Gokarna; Miss Nepal Beauty Pageant, Master Nepal, Little Lady Talent Show, Disable song and Dance Competition; Health Camps, Seminars on various topics and training onleadership and management, (e.g. Parliamentary Procedure, Effective Public Speaking, Business Management, Master of Ceremony etc.) for individual members and few names among the regular activities of JCI Kathmandu-Nepal. Besides this, JCI Kathmandu Nepal always strives to organize something new in the society.